First Job

I got my first job! I was hired as a reporter/photographer at the Petawawa Post in Ontario. I’m working on their social media as well. And it looks like I’ll be allowed to take on multi-media projects.

It’s a community paper. Petawawa is mostly a military base. We also cover town events and sometimes expand to the neighbouring communities (Pembroke and Deep River). I’m living in Pembroke.

I won’t normally push articles and the weekly paper through my personal social media channels, but I set the paper up with its own. Which I’ll be managing and updating regularly. If you’re interested follow us on Facebook, Twitter, orGoogle+

Weekly pdfs can be found here.

I’m going to keep trying to sell freelance pieces. The size of this paper won’t allow for longer print stories, and they wouldn’t make any money off radio docs.  Anything with a Provincial or National scope wouldn’t make sense for this paper either.

I’ll keep posting freelance stuff here, and possibly bigger projects that I’m particularly proud of.

For now, here’s the intro I wrote for the paper.

NBFA – Why Is Art Important?

I pitched this idea in an interview for the New Brunswick Foundation for the Arts. I got to spend my summer making it, along with doing other communications work. I traveled around the province meeting with artists and other cultural/artistic organizers. It was wonderful.




Pilot episode of “Inertia,” a show centered around what motivates people to do anything. This episode is about people who find the confidence to follow an idea.

*I did all the music, except at the end of the Local Arts section where a part of “History” by The Olympic Symphonium is played. Ryan Robichaud contributed drums to the intro, and Dan Goyette helped with the outro.

NB Music Awards

When my friends were nominated for Music NB awards we decide to make some videos to help spread the word. I showed up in the afternoon, we came up with a few ideas, shot them, edited them, and made a youtube account to upload them, all within a couple days. I actually like this little project.

We ended up making 5 of these:

Stop Motion

Cute Kitten Votes for Hungry Hearts

Vote for Hungry Hearts

Max 104.9

NBFA – Why Art?

I pitched this idea in an interview and then spent my summer making it. I interviewed people around the province and made a video to help promote the NBFA’s Art Bond.
In hindsight, I’d say it’s a little too long. And I want to call it a “Video Essay” now, because I’m a little uncomfortable with the lack of non-interview footage. But I like the ideas, I like the flow, and I had a great time putting it together.

I also left them smaller segments from some of the interviews to continuously upload for a few months after I left, but they never made it up. The explanation of the Art Bond is on the YouTube channel though.

I wish I could do this sort of thing for the rest of my life…


Originally posted here. Molly has always fascinated me, and I don’t eat there nearly as much as I would like. It’s unique, warm, and interesting. So I was delighted when she agreed to let me do a profile. It was an hour and a half interview.

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Who Needs a Studio?

On—a social news aggregator—it was suggested that I listen to “lo-fi, satanic, weed-drenched pop.” Definitely not a genre I’ve ever seen in record stores.

While hiding from the cold beneath four layers of blankets in Fredericton, I was introduced to the homemade music of a Californian-based musician within hours of the link being posted. I streamed the music, requested a way to download it, and then paid $5 to have the 23-track album on my iPod. It’s been my walking music ever since.

“With that Reddit exposure last week I’ve probably made a couple hundred bucks,” Will Marquis told me over the phone.

 Marquis wrote, self-produced, and distributed his album online without any resources traditionally supplied by music labels. Apparently you can challenge multi-million dollar companies with a $90 recorder and a free account from Read more