A radio series idea about average Canadians.

A radio series idea about average Canadians.

A podcast that profiles average Canadians as I travel the country. It is all set to original music that I wrote and recorded. It is also an opportunity to put my new web design skills to work. (Here’s the template.)

It’s taken a back seat lately, although I will continue to work on it. I plan to eventually sell it as packaged “seasons.” But, it has to remain a hobby. (Read my blog post about it here.)

Here is the demo episode I created with Bill, an Okanagan farmer from England.

When the Mill Goes

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This is my favorite story.

I’ve been learning a lot about web design lately. I used Bootstrap to create a very simple, responsive website.

Aside from a simple navbar and collapsible grid system, I added a disqus comment section at the end, as well as multiple sharing options.

I am now learning SASS and Compass.

Read “When The Mill Goes” here.

Back At It

I’m fighting stereotype.

I’ve looked to newspapers for this, but I fear that may have to change. Read more