Listuguj Newsletter

Nujignua'tegeg Homepage

Nujignua’tegeg – the Listuguj Newsletter. My company, Folk Media Communications, created a multimedia newsletter for Listuguj First Nation.

It is a mobile-responsive website, Facebook page, and bi-weekly print product. We regularly create video content.

It is a communication tool primarily for the Listuguj Mi’gmaq Government, but also for all organizations in the community. We do softer stories, profiles, and features. It strives to fulfill one important journalistic purpose: reflecting the community back to itself.

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Folk Media – Video Production and Communications

folk_media_cover_screenshotFolk Media Communications is my video production, and communications company operating out of northern New Brunswick, but serving the entire east coast. We specialize in business communications and promotions, event recording, weddings, and “collaborative content.” Read more

A radio series idea about average Canadians.

A radio series idea about average Canadians.

A podcast that profiles average Canadians as I travel the country. It is all set to original music that I wrote and recorded. It is also an opportunity to put my new web design skills to work. (Here’s the template.)

It’s taken a back seat lately, although I will continue to work on it. I plan to eventually sell it as packaged “seasons.” But, it has to remain a hobby. (Read my blog post about it here.)

Here is the demo episode I created with Bill, an Okanagan farmer from England.

When the Mill Goes

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This is my favorite story.

I’ve been learning a lot about web design lately. I used Bootstrap to create a very simple, responsive website.

Aside from a simple navbar and collapsible grid system, I added a disqus comment section at the end, as well as multiple sharing options.

I am now learning SASS and Compass.

Read “When The Mill Goes” here.