
I’ve been working for the Petawawa Post. Here’s a feature that I’m particularly proud of. This was in the Nov. 29, 12 issue.

Layout 1 (Page 15)

The best way to find more of my work for this paper is through TwitterFacebook, or Google +. There’s also a forum that can link you to PDFs of each issue, plus any multimedia content we put up.

 The full PDF for the paper this story was in is HERE

First Job

I got my first job! I was hired as a reporter/photographer at the Petawawa Post in Ontario. I’m working on their social media as well. And it looks like I’ll be allowed to take on multi-media projects.

It’s a community paper. Petawawa is mostly a military base. We also cover town events and sometimes expand to the neighbouring communities (Pembroke and Deep River). I’m living in Pembroke.

I won’t normally push articles and the weekly paper through my personal social media channels, but I set the paper up with its own. Which I’ll be managing and updating regularly. If you’re interested follow us on Facebook, Twitter, orGoogle+

Weekly pdfs can be found here.

I’m going to keep trying to sell freelance pieces. The size of this paper won’t allow for longer print stories, and they wouldn’t make any money off radio docs.  Anything with a Provincial or National scope wouldn’t make sense for this paper either.

I’ll keep posting freelance stuff here, and possibly bigger projects that I’m particularly proud of.

For now, here’s the intro I wrote for the paper.